Day 5 No Alcohol

Yesterday was Day 5 with no booze. I was tested when we went to our favorite Mexican restaurant and my husband ordered me a margarita. It was tempting given I had just spent an hour and a half in stand still traffic, when the drive should have been 30 minutes tops. I declined and felt a sense of pride in my resolve. :) Just to give you an idea of what my alcohol consumption typically is, I usually have an average of two large glasses (see photo) of wine during the weekends and more on a typical weekend. I have gotten into the habit of refilling my glass before it was empty. I'm not sure what that was about (maybe so I couldn't count exact how much I'd had?). I wasn't even tasting the wine after a while. I found myself experiencing too many nights that I couldn't remember and regret for things I'd say, unbeknownst to me. Obviously, my relationship with alcohol is out of whack! I was using alcohol to self medicate for stress and pain, which are interrelated for me...