The Cleaner for Women Detox Review

This will be a seven day detox program. I decided that before I start taking iodine for a bromine detox, I'd empty everything out of my system that could get in the way of releasing the toxins out of my body. I do not want the toxins hanging around making me feel sick.

I'm not usually "regular", so there is a good chance that I could get sick from the detox. Besides, I just got back from traveling where I don't eat the best or move enough, so a good  cleaning out would do me good. :)

I am using The Cleaner by Century pharmaceuticals. I bought it at GNC and paid way too much, apparently.

Day One - Monday, March 9

Because I am very sensitive to drugs, I took 2 pills at 1pm, then 1 pill at 3pm instead of the 4 that the directions say to take at bedtime. I didn't experience any cramping. No bloating.  No bad taste. No runs to the bathroom, basically no side effects the first day.

Day Two - Tuesday, March 10

Had to go to the bathroom in the morning...a lot. My stomach felt a lot flatter afterward.

Had no cramping, no bad taste, drank a lot of water. I took 2 more in the morning and two in the evening.

However, I felt like I had been run over by a Mack truck. I had no energy..... I didn't sleep much Monday night, so that may have been most of it.

Day Three - Wednesday, March 11

Went to bathroom first thing in the morning. Urine was dark, like I was dehydrated. Went a couple of times. I never felt anything coming on too strong where I couldn't get to the restroom on time. I went to the gym and didn't have any issues. Most of the other reviews I've read say that Day 4 is the worst day, so we'll see.
